My Genital Preferences Are Transphobic
An honest conversation of how Umbrellas, Surgeries & Gender spectrums further stigmatize Bisexuality
Being Lumped in
As some of you may or may not be aware September 16-23 is Bisexual Awareness Week, with Bisexual Awareness Day falling on the 23rd of September.
Queerdo Activist Groups like GLAAD describe the holiday and our sexuality as:
Bisexual+ Awareness Week seeks to accelerate the acceptance of the bi+ (bisexual, pansexual, fluid, no label, queer, etc.) community.
#BiWeek draws attention to the experiences, while also celebrating the resiliency of, the bisexual+ community. Throughout #BiWeek, allies and bi+ people learn about the history, culture, community, and current policy priorities of bi+ communities.
In 2014, GLAAD co-founded and co-led the first #BiWeek with BiNet USA to draw attention to the issues faced by the bi+ community, including erasure and visibility. - GAMPS at GLAAD
This is stigmatizing. Bisexuality is clear-cut. It is simply being sexually attracted to men and women. Adding anything extra is overkill and the groomers at GLAAD aren't the only perpetrators of this Queer Ideology.
This is an Image by Tri-County Diversity, pushing the idea of a “spectrum” and is also taking things further to imply that lawmakers are targeting bisexuals. Which is simply false. No one is passing laws claiming people can’t be attracted to men and women, or restricting what bisexuals do with consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes.
In the past being bisexual had different challenges, like people thinking that your bisexuality was just for clout since teenagers would claim the label in order to be edgy in the 2000’s. Lesbians thinking we have penis germs … or strange Unicorn Hunter Couples on online websites in which some ugly man and his girlfriend were trying to convince us to have a threesome with them or be their third.
In modern day most of our problems are caused by the Dreaded Bisexual Spectrum Umbrella
See the image above !
I don’t even know what 80% of that bullshit is! Is an “oligosexual” someone who is sexually attracted to oligarchs? Is an “anthrosexual “someone that gets turned on by looking at anything resembling a humanoid such as a Homo erectus or Furries? Is an “omnisexual” attracted to omnipotent or omniscient beings?
I have so many questions — because none of these describe my sexuality.
“Bi” means 2 in Latin. Which is how we get words like “bicycle” or “bisexuality”. Why is all of this bullshit included?
But the answer is quite obvious: all of this is to include “trans” under their Bullshit umbrella, see Transromantic.
Trans is the Group that wants to be included in EVERYTHING !
They can't even leave lesbians alone! The only acceptable lesbian flag is the one that includes men. The ugly orange one. They even go as far as to claim that lesbians want to exclude butch lesbians who are actually women because they don’t have a penis.
In fact the labrys flag subconsciously emotes their fear of castration. Everyone who doesn’t want to include them is a TERF. Lesbians’ reason for wanting to exclude them is simple and easy: they only like vaginas. Bisexual women like dicks, too.
Gay men also have an issue with females wanting to identify into homosexuality. Women are invading their bathhouses & gay dating apps and fetishizing them as well.
See the image below:
But there is something fundamentally disgusting with the majority of male trans individuals:
The term Autogynophelia was coined by sexologist Ray Blanchard when he identified that trans-identifying males who are heterosexual or bisexual are attracted to an imaginary version of themselves in which they are a sexualized image of a woman. It is the paraphilia that inspired the creation of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.
And that is the most honest way one can describe this paraphilia, which comes in four different flavors.
Before I learned about Blanchard typology I was friends with a man who suffered from this paraphilia. He would always say things like “When there is a cute girl I do not know if I want to be with her or if I want to be her.” It didn’t click for me, back then.
Once he compared his estrogen induced gynecomastia to my chest and he would wish out loud that his breasts were as large as mine. Which I thought was strange because my breasts are not large, and it was a different feeling from teenage girls comparing bra-sizes. He was coveting something with envy, sexual attraction and a tinge of hidden hatred.
He wanted my clothes, my hair, my breasts, my sympathy, my Halloween costumes, to be my princess, and he even desired to have my reproductive issues, even when they were life threatening. He wanted all of that and to pretend to be lesbians with the women that he dated. I do not understand why any woman wants to be with a man like that.
A man like that can only truly love a made-up image of himself.
They Lose Sexual Function
Opposite Sex hormones affect each sex differently. Males taking estrogen develop gynecomastia which is just the scientific word for man boobs; there isn’t any enlarged breast tissue to feed a baby, the fat just accumulates near their pectorals similarly to XXY Klinefelter's Syndrome. They stop producing a healthy sperm count and begin to suffer from erectile dysfunction, and the penis shrinks. It's kind of like “coke dick” but worse.
In a Twitter Space sometime last winter @sylverkara , a homosexual transexual discussed how Laura Sky, an autogynophelic transexual, would stop taking HRT and take Viagra whenever he wanted to achieve an erection to penetrate sexual partners.
At that specific moment, when Kara was criticizing Laura for lying about being a homosexual transexual, which put their little community at risk, it was also revealed that he was being abusive to a former female partner and that he was being sexually predatory towards HSTS male to female transsexuals.
Kara was also open about how HSTS have no desire to penetrate. They struggle with arousal, but they will still be the receiving partner in anal intercourse. This isn’t a problem for their sexual partner’s gynandromorphophilic men because according to male sexuality, a hole is a hole at the end of the day. I do not know if it is because they have a prostate or if it is because a sizable chunk of the male population doesn’t care if women orgasm in the first place, so it would not be any different with a transexual.
In the case of females, the hormonal changes are different. The clitoris becomes engorged with testosterone. They also lose the ability to lubricate the vagina naturally which is why transexual porn star Buck Angel created a special brand of lube for transmen along with a sex toy meant to stimulate jerking off with the enlarged clitoris.
Buck is a unique case, being a pornographer who partakes in penetrative sex and is bisexual; strangely enough, Buck also prefers non-trans sex partners. Most of the HSTS transmen who I have spoken with feel dysphoric about their genitalia and do not like their girlfriends to touch them there or penetrate them with a strap on, so they do not care about the loss of sexual function. I do believe that they try to satisfy their girlfriends, which is where female sexuality differs.
Then in the worst instances are women who have taken testosterone experience painful intercourse. Such is the case with detransitioner Prisha Moseley who has been very open about her experiences.
No woman should have to bleed and be in pain for days after intercourse, and my heart breaks for her.
As for why I am not attracted to FTM transsexuals is a very simple answer. I think it would be difficult to be with someone who is not comfortable with their sex organs or is losing function. Being able to reciprocate intimacy is important to me.
Then there is the case of the surgeries
The surgeries try to replicate the genitals of the opposite sex and often fail to do so. This is a link to an animation of a penis inverting vaginoplasty. The penis is sliced in half, most of the erectile tissue is removed, the testicles are removed, the skin of the penis is sewn up and inverted to create a fake canal, the tip of the penis sliced and used to create a neo-clitoris, the prostate is moved so that it is in the location of the G-spot, the urethra is then cut and all of the excess scrotum is sliced and sewn up to create fake labia.
It is not a real vagina which self-cleanses, and it has to be dilated. Detransitoner Ritchie Herron has spoken about how his surgery caused him many complications.
I have no sensation in my crotch region at all. You could stab me with a knife and I wouldn't know. The entire area is numb, like it's shell shocked and unable to comprehend what happened, even 4 years on. I tore a sutra 4 days post recovery, they promised to address it, I begged them in emails to fix it, they scorned me instead.
Years later, I have what looks like a chunk of missing flesh next to my neo-vagina, it literally looks like someone hacked at me. They still wont fix it. No one told me that the base area of your penis is left, it can't be removed - meaning you're left with a literal stump inside that twitches. When you take Testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood, without the tree.
I wish this was a joke - Ritchie Herron
He can no longer enjoy sex, is in pain, suffers from incontinence because they cut his urethra, and he cannot have anal sex because his neo-vagina may rip and cause him fecal blood poisoning. He is also forced to dilate daily so that the hole does not close up and cause an infection.
The surgical aspects are extreme for women, too.
The first step is a double mastectomy which is a surgery that was initially reserved for women with breast cancer. Then they are to schedule a Hysterectomy in order to be able to get a phalloplasty. A skin graft is formed from either an arm or a leg and is used to create a neo-penis. The Urethra is extended with a skin tube in order to go through the meat tube. The labia are then stretched out and fake silicone testicles are inserted.
It is a dangerous procedure, and it also has many complications. Transexual Scott Newgent has shown pictures of the arm that was used to create a neo penis and shared that he had difficulties moving his arm on his previous X account.
That is the least of what can happen, as this surgery has a high failure rate, with the latest casualty being Griffin Sirvet, a transman who went by Gruffin21 on TickTok and passed away in July of 2024. Exulansic documented Sirvet’s surgical mishaps and the medical malpractice leading to their death in her Phalloplasty Philes.
This is horrible, and I do not know why anyone would find these surgeries sexy. It seems inhuman considering they do not look like a real penis or vagina and that the person who got the surgery is in constant pain or even at risk of dying…. but nothing can really top the new thing in gender surgeries.
Personally, I do not date or sleep with anyone who uses this label, as the pronouns are not proper grammar, mammals are sexually dimorphic, and while I might like them crazy, this is too crazy for me — and that was my opinion before I knew about the surgeries.
Two years ago, a transgender individual I met on X shared a link with me from a “health provider” known as Mariner Health which described the surgeries in detail as part of their catalog. These are monstrous.
Top Surgery: to create a chest with appearance customized exactly to your preferences (chest contour, incision types, nipple position, areola size, and presence or absence of areolas can all be chosen)
Orchiectomy: The removal of the testes through an incision in the scrotum, which eliminates testosterone and the need for androgen blockers.
Scrotectomy: The removal of scrotal tissue; can be performed at the same time as an orchiectomy. This procedure is not compatible with vaginoplasty, which utilizes the scrotal skin.
Nullification: The removal of genital structures with preservation of the urethra to allow for voiding of urine.
Penectomy: Sometimes performed for gender non-conforming clients who simply wish to no longer have a penis,but may not necessarily seek further genital feminization.
Vulvoplasty/Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty: The construction of a shallow vaginal canal but normal appearing external genitalia. This may be done for patients who do not wish to have penetrative intercourse, or for patient with co-morbidities who wish to minimize surgical risks.
Phallus-Preserving Vaginoplasty: This procedure creates a fully functional vagina without surgically removing the penis.
These are real. I did not believe it at first until I looked a few of them up on Reddit and FetLife. They are not even pretending to create a functioning sex organ of the opposite sex but allowing mentally ill women to get surgeries that essentially neuter them.
It is Female Genital Mutilation: the vagina is sewn shut in order to create the appearance of a Barbie’s crotch. Customization options for the removal of male sexual organs include removing the testicles and removing the penis. “Do you want to look like a Ken doll, or to keep your penis and just have an empty ball sack?”
However, nothing beats the horror of a Phallus-Preserving Vaginoplasty. The doctors just create a meat cavern right below the scrotum and it resembles a baboon’s swollen anus. There are risks of the crevice tearing and causing fecal poisoning as well.
It is Cruel to push this sexual narrative on Bisexuals
Like a majority of bisexuals, I am not sexually attracted to transexuals, and with good reason. This does not come from a place of hate, but from knowing what the hormones do, and that the surgeries cannot replicate the functioning anatomy of the opposite sex. Not to mention that these treatments and procedures have adverse side effects and only seem to sexually satiate autogynephilic men.
It is sexually coercive to push the narrative that we have to find someone sexually attractive and that we have to include them in our dating pool. Everyone deserves to have clear boundaries and pushing transexuals on bisexuals can put women such as myself in danger. Autogynephilic men have a higher propensity for criminal behavior, and as noted, they also take advantage of homosexual transexuals and keep insisting lesbians have to like penises.
It is important for definitions to be clear and concise without any bullsh*t umbrellas.
I am bi-sexual. This means I only like men and women as they are, with nothing in between, or any additional surgeries. Bi means 2 (two) and if someone is sexually interested in transgender partners, they should either use the label Pansexual or Gynandromorphophelic and call it a day.
Please respect people’s sexual preferences whether it be gay, lesbian or bisexual.
Nice article, read every word and felt a kindred mind.
I’m a man, and in sex, I enjoy men. I particularly enjoy secondary male sexual characteristics - hairy, big brow, wide jaw, wide shoulders, long penis, muscularity, pendulous scrotum, androsterone.
It’s a pleasure to just have my body go into gear when presented with those characteristics. I appreciate female sex characteristics but my body will never react, and should I smell estratetraenol, it activates a sort of “flight” feeling. Definitely not bisexual.
People are not grasping that all things trans are also about sterilization and extirpation of all natural sex libidinal impulse, along with organic response. You hit the nail on the head - I assumed people knew that but you remind me that people are absolutely oblivious.
Trans hormonal therapy for men is precisely what was given to male sex offenders with the sole aim of extirpating all sexual response. This is never acknowledged, which is telling.
There is no “genital bias” - I prefer sex with men who want to have sex with men. Not men who self-sterilize into into celibacy, or women.
Good post, got me thinking.
"Gay men also have an issue with females wanting to identify into homosexuality. Women are invading their bathhouses & gay dating apps and fetishizing them as well."
This gay man sure does. I was outraged and disgusted when I discovered that an online male masturbation site allows trans men to be members (no pun intended) in the interest of inclusivity and permits them to post images of their junk. Oh, the humanity! Equally unfortunate was the fact that some of the men in the group were turned on by the whole thing.
The male/female barrier is not just another glass ceiling to crash through. It is impossible to be a gay man without having a history of growing up in a male body. It is a body/mind experience for which there is no substitute.
Frankly, I think most of the women who are posing as gay men are trans-trendsters. They have some friend group or online community they're trying to impress with their gender badassery. I don't know whether the autistic women who get sucked into the trans thing have the social capital and agility to try to be gay men. And sadly, there are probably some gay men who are tickled pink by clubbing with trans men.
Some day the music is going to stop. What are those trans men going to do then?