Republicans Want To Investigate Rachel Levine And The WPATH Rabbit Hole
Just in time for an election. How far down will they look?
The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability “is investigating allegations of political interference by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in third-party medical organization recommendations,” according to a letter released by Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Michigan), chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services.
“The Biden Administration’s advocacy for expanding the pool of vulnerable children subjected to life-altering procedures they may later regret is reprehensible,” the letter says. Emails revealed in litigation over Alabama’s ban on pediatric ‘gender medicine’ and reported in The New York Times show “this advocacy was for political advantage” to appease “extremist elements” of the rainbow left.
Emails show that transgender HHS deputy secretary Rachel Levine was “very eager” for new third-party guidelines to serve the “health policies of the Biden government.” As a result of this direct pressure, the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) erased all age minimums for ‘gender affirming surgery’ from the eighth version of its ‘standards of care’ (SoC8).
Responding to these disclosures, the Biden administration first clarified that it does not support ‘gender surgery’ for minors, then walked back the clarification, leaving their actual official position as unclear as possible. The letter requests a list of “documents and communications” from HHS to help the committee understand this “inconsistency.”
McClain and the subcommittee may want to consider enlarging their investigation. For example, they could start asking why the Department of Justice tried to block the legal discovery request from the Alabama attorney general for Levine’s emails. Instead, the DoJ tried offering a subordinate of Levine and “a FOIA response with unrelated search terms.” Someone should have to explain it.
Ideally, the subcommittee would also expand its investigation into WPATH. Specifically, they might ask how and why “eunuch identities” were inserted in SoC8. Reporting by Genevieve Gluck has revealed this was a bizarre collaboration with a fetish forum called the Eunuch Archives.
The subcommitee could subpoena Thomas W. Johnson, the retired California academic who seems to have played a key role in this insanity, and ask important questions on the record about the role that paraphiliacs have played in shaping medical guidelines for children.
Levine and the Biden HHS have shaped other policy areas to promote ‘gender identity’ in children, too, and Congress should look into them. McClain might start with foster care rules that have been re-written to force foster parents to participate in “gender affirmation” at a cost of $40 million to taxpayers. Mere failure to use a child’s preferred pronouns of the day can render a home “unsafe.”
Enacted in 2023, the new HHS foster care rules are consistent with a nationwide recruiting program for “Clinical and Community Services Advocates,” or CASAs. These volunteers are supposed to liaison with everyone involved in the foster care of any child, and be their courtroom advocates. Materials associated with this program show a special concern for the “LGBTQI+ child” who needs support for their magical gender journey with doctors and surgeons.
In June 2022, the Chicago Department of Child and Family Services held a job fair sponsored by the city public school system. They were recruiting school bus drivers, medical providers, and CASAs. Attendees were offered copies of various pro-transgender publications. One of these was “Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth: A Guide for Foster Parents,” a 2021 publication of the Children’s Bureau, an office of the Adminstration for Children and Families (ACF) in the HHS.
Available on the official government website, this pamphlet is ostensibly written “for foster parents to help them learn about LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and other diverse identities and expressions, including Two-Spirit) youth in the child welfare system.” In fact, it is a gender identity indoctrination program in which foster families are required to “affirm” every child or be charged with abuse.
The misinformation in it is patently ideological. “Everyone has a sexual orientation and gender identity,” the text claims. Children as young as 4 years old are capable of knowing which gender they ‘really’ are on the inside, it claims, and no objective test can say what anyone is. “Sexual orientation and gender identity are the result of complex genetic, biological, and environmental factors,” it says, utterly confusing sexual attraction with mind-body dissociation.
Moreover, this magical, mystical, invisible, ineffable ‘gender identity’ “cannot be changed.” Any effort to probe deeper than the statement of a child is “conversion therapy” and therefore harmful. “Every major medical and mental health association has condemned practices intended to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity,” it says, again mixing up two completely different things on purpose.
Nowhere in the document do the authors suggest how to watch for signs of abuse. There is no discussion of vetting or background checks for foster parents. It specifically denies the role of social contagion or trauma in Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), which it says does not even exist. However, Native American “two-spirits” definitely do exist, according to this government publication(!).
Instead of safeguarding, the foster kids only need “safety” from transphobia. They need safe spaces “to discuss, provide, and obtain authorization for medically necessary, transition-related treatment, if desired.” The kids need foster parents to post “hate-free zone” signs around the house, ban “slurs or jokes about gender or sexuality” and keep them away from “religious activities, sports activities, and family gatherings” which might be “openly hostile or unsupportive” of their gender identities.
In fact, foster parents of faith should bring the whole church along, or else consider a whole new church, if they want to be deemed “safe” for “LGBTQI+” children. “You do not have to choose between your faith and supporting their LGBTQ+ identity,” the pamphlet reassures them. “Many religious groups embrace LGBTQ+ youth, adults, and their families. There are more and more affirming churches and religious groups that are providing affirming spaces” for the gnostic cult of gender. Hooray!
What foster families need to understand, according to this government-issued foster care pamphlet, is that the foster child was definitely rejected by their family because of their gender identity. No other explanation is examined. “Many youth are rejected because their birth and resource families' religious beliefs and attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community create abuse and safety issues,” it says, once again confusing very different problems a child might have.
Collectively, these cases “make up the highest percentage of children and youth in the child welfare and foster care systems, and they face serious risks beyond those experienced by heterosexual and cisgender youth.” They are special, in other words, so they need special rules to protect them from the pain of growing up in healthy bodies. After all, what child doesn’t want to be a eunuch when they grow up?
“Educate yourself about LGBTQ+ history, issues, and resources,” the Biden HHS commands. The would-be foster parent or volunteer must deepen their faith in Gender:
Celebrate diversity in all forms. Provide access to a variety of books, movies, and materials, including those that positively represent same-gender relationships. Point out LGBTQ+ celebrities, role models who stand up for the LGBTQ+ community, and people who demonstrate bravery in the face of social stigma.
During the Biden administration, while under Levine’s leadership, key advisories across multiple HHS domains have promoted the “affirmation” model of “gender medicine” for minors. This top-down prioritization affected every level of government. All other considerations, including evidence of harm, were consistently ignored if not suppressed. Levine, a WPATH member, personally lobbied the single most cited clinical organization in the world of ‘gender medicine’ to cast aside the evidence and endorse pediatric sex lobotomies so that the Biden administration could win its political fight against Republican state legislatures. Being a membership organization, WPATH includes many people with disturbing motivations and agendas.
I was asked yesterday whether Rep. McClain and the subcommittee will have time to make Rachel Levine testify before the election, or the Biden administration will stonewall them until November. A better question is whether Republicans will control the House of Representatives in January 2025, because there’s no way they can get to the bottom of this rabbit hole of awful, horrible, ideological abuses in five months. Congress simply isn’t built that way.
Richard Levine may "identify as" female, but his belief is just like the Emperor's belief in his splendid new clothes. The allies who surround Levine and depend on his good graces for their continued employment won't dream of disabusing him of that notion. Neither will the gender benders at the top of the transsexual and trans activist hierarchy. Levine is their man on the inside, and as far as they're concerned he's a Virginia Slims cigarette model, maxi skirt and all. Others in his orbit may not be convinced, but they know their paychecks depend on maintaining the fiction.
So it's up to sex realists to assume the role of the forthright little boy in the Story of the Emperor's New Clothes and point out that Richard Levine is neither a woman nor, having made a mockery of WPATH's deliberative processes by summarily directing it to remove age floors for pediatric gender medicine, a lady.
Look at him. He's a dumpy middle-aged man and a possible autogynephile who has put one over on the U.S. Presidency and the Executive branch of government.
Of course Levine and WPATH need to be hauled before Congress and questioned about gender identity ideology and their roles in imposing gender and the trans myth upon a credulous public. Liberals are so all in on being nice to people who claim underdog status that they've lost their ability to distinguish bad from good.
The problem is that Congressional Republicans have a poor record recently when it comes to using their investigative powers effectively. Consider their spectacularly unsuccessful efforts to get to the bottom of Hunter Biden's Laptop®, expose the Biden Crime Family® and Crooked Joe Biden,® investigate the Weaponization of Government® and impeach Biden.
It will harm the sex realist cause greatly if Republicans are too focused on providing good sound bytes for Fox and creating salacious drama for their base to make the most of rich and vulnerable targets such as Richard Levine and WPATH.
Also, hearings related to the investigation would be an unparalleled opportunity for members of Congress and other gender critical experts to tell the American public the sorry truth for once and for all about gender identity ideology and the trans myth. As believers in impossible things go, trans allies are on the flat-earth end of the spectrum. How the message is crafted and delivered is of vital importance.
Jim Jordan and others like him who inhabit the right-wing political fringe are not the people to do this. Neither are the usual cast of right-wing culture warriors who have made it their mission to topple gender and the trans industrial complex. At the very least, there is a great risk they will alienate potential allies among moderate Democrats and Independents, make unnecessary martyrs of trans people and their allies and create even more unfounded sympathy for those imaginary "trans kids" and other gender unicorns.
Getting the goods on the trans industrial complex and telling the public the truth is a job for nonpartisan sex realist experts in cooperation with Republicans who are not MAGA hard liners.
Thanks for covering this, Matt (and The Distance), as always a welcome perspective! As a woman in the US, I have become politically homeless, and probably have been for a much longer time without realizing it. With the Republicans vs. the Democrats, it feels to me like six of one, half dozen of the other. Do we support the Dems for some of their good policies despite their abandonment of women and girls and boys due to their support of trans ideology politics (not to mention saying "sex work is work" and other absurdities)? Or do we support the Republicans despite their abandonment of women and girls due to their support of restricting legal access to abortion (legal meaning: leaving the choice up to the woman (or girl), her family, and her doctor, no matter other possible seemingly valid objections) because they're willing to defend other important rights of women and girls? This choice really s*cks IMO (pardon my language). But yes, I too would welcome an investigation of Richard Levine, that self-centered fraud.