Madison Pauly, a reporter for the storied leftist publication Mother Jones, contacted dozens of people last Tuesday to ask about their role in defending children against the child sterilization cult.
Jamie Shupe, an autogynephile who detransitioned, retransitioned, and now goes by “Elisa Rae” Shupe, had given Pauly access to shared email chains with activists working to stop the child sterilization cult.
“The emails appear to show a coordinated campaign to create a playbook for legislation banning or restricting gender-affirming care for minors,” Pauly wrote, framing the cultic sterilization of children, which operates from zero evidentiary basis for efficacy, as “care.”
“This year, 18 states are considering bills with language closely resembling the South Dakota Vulnerable Child Protection Act. Do you have any reason to dispute the above characterization?”
Of course we do, Pauly. The actual number of states is going to be much higher than that. But we’re not going to tell you what we know, we’re just going to let you find out how unpopular the child sterilization cult really is.
In the meantime, Shupe also appears to have shared the email spool with an indicted hacker and fellow transgender-identified Swiss man named Till Kottman. Participants in the email chains began to receive lovely messages from porn-addled men in the hours that followed the resulting MoJo story, “Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country.”
Like this epistle:
You people are disgusting freaks. How about instead of obsessing over trans suicide all the time you just try it yourself. It should be pretty easy considering how worthless you are
Get that? We are the ones obsessing over suicide, so we should kill ourselves, whereas the very next email is definitely not obsessing over suicide at all:
We are literally not the ones sterilizing kids there, bud! And we’re still waiting for the first study establishing that “affirmation” works better than a placebo for resolving teenage angst, much less suicide prevention. Or evidence that the trans kids are all killing themselves in the first place. Or evidence that mass suicide threats are not a thing that dangerous, child sterilizing cults do.
We ignored the obvious Zip file bait sent as attachments. Most of the content received was memes, many of them depicting “furry sex” (sex between cartoon animals). We are not sharing the men posing with their “ladydicks” out, or apparently about to whip their willies into view. Not because they are offensive, but because they are boringly predictable.
Instead, note how this sender seems to explicitly link his cause to the Democratic Party’s standard-bearer in the White House. Or maybe not. Like an autogynephile, this seems a bit confused, really.
We wonder: have Democrats tried these memes out on the doorstep yet? We would love to observe the results of that canvass in a purple neighborhood. This one, for example, should be a big hit in the Rust Belt suburbs.
“Are we going to hell for not understanding this weird cartoon of someone kissing an alien?” One recipient asked of this next meme, which came under the subject line: YOU’RE ALL GOING TO HELL.
All we know for sure is that an abusive, porn-addled criminal man like Jamie Shupe or Till Kottman can actually make Invader Zim uncool, and that has a kind of cultural power. Not the good kind. But a kind of power, nonetheless.
“This is an odd way to try and prove that their movement is not, in fact, comprised of disturbed fetishists who shouldn't be allowed near children's health policy,” the same recipient said of the next meme. Simultaneously disturbing and unintelligible to anyone who does not spend all their time online, its true meaning is known only to the artist. We are supposed to take it as a threat so the sender can hurr-hurr and further gaslight us. Yawn.
Now, this is where things get a little interesting, because there was exactly one meme invoking trans men. Furthermore, it is exactly the sort of meme that an autogynephilic male would create.
Trans men do not complain when we look at their “cha-chas,” in fact they make whole videos to show us their terrific new chest scars in beatific rapture, topless for the first time at the beach or pool. Escaping the male gaze by blending in “as a guy” is exactly the point of “top surgery.”
No, only a man would project this concern on a transgender-identifying female.
I have redacted the worst bits of this “artwork.” There are probably a dozen more like it in the emails received. Male genitals are overlarge, as are feminine breasts, because this is an example of male sexual objectification in “art.” A man did this.
We humbly submit to the reader that Shupe is the most likely suspect to have sent all of these communications, probably from different email addresses, since he is the sort of obsessive man who creates fifty different email accounts to do internet chicanery like that. Shupe has also been deeply homophobic since his Army days at Fort Hood, so this meme cinches it, in our minds:
“People ought to be concerned if this is how it's going to go whenever there's an ordinary consultation on policy,” a recipient of these messages told us. After all, organizing by email to make policy changes is normal in a democracy. “This is how everyone does it. There shouldn't be a gauntlet of threats around civic engagement, or the only people who will do that are the last people we want running things.”
Which is the point of all this, really. Especially now that Hanna Barnes has exposed the nightmare at the Tavistock clinic, which bears remarkable resemblances to the story that clinic whistleblower Jamie Reed tells. Mainstream media in the United States is finally catching on to the alarming reality that LGB children have been de-sexed by a cult of the trans child. They can’t have anyone running things who might hold them accountable for that.
Named for a woman who worked to rescue children from the coal mines, Mother Jones is too far left to get the message as quickly as the New York Times. They will likely be one of the last institutions still defending the child sterilizing cult to the bitter end, a once-respected bastion of progressive journalism in utter moral decline.
In the article at MoJo, Madison Pauly is also very concerned that boys who “identify” as girls might not be allowed to cheat at sports in South Dakota. Being the editor of The Distance, I reached out to my colleague Pauly today with some questions of my own.
1 - Can you, or anyone else at Mother Jones, explain the difference between a male cheating at sports and a male named Susan cheating at sports, using facts?
2 - Has anyone at Mother Jones read the new book, “Time to Think,” by BBC reporter Hannah Barnes, in order to come to grips with the reality that LGB kids are being de-sexed for a lie that humans can change sex, before they ever even have sex?3 - Has Mother Jones determined which excuse(s) you will all use for your publication’s role in what is becoming the greatest human rights scandal of the modern era?
We will update if there is any response.
Since “trans affirmation” began less than a generation ago, why isn’t history a killing field of teen suicide?
So mysterious!
" Can you, or anyone else at Mother Jones, explain the difference between a male cheating at sports and a male named Susan cheating at sports, using facts?" This made me laugh out loud. So clear and hilarious. Thank you!