Truly, it seems that a contingent of "GC Ultras" are the postmodernists of their world, endlessly analyzing texts for something to problematize, performing critical theories on them, tearing everything down, offering no replacement solutions. They couldn't do the work of their enemy any better if they were on its payroll.

Personal purity is a narcissistic pursuit, incompatible with setting down one's ego and actually helping the kids.

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..and Matt, you have turned this platform into a sideways personal revenge rant at women's accounts on X you live to run down. You have your own Substack to ruin with your vitriol and The Distance was supposed to be for LGB to bring our perspective to various topics.

At this point, The Distance is simply a pro-libertarian style rant rag where the reader has no idea if the writer is even gay. Certainly you aren't an ally of the women who point out the dangers from creepy men you feel so compelled to protect, so you keep rinsing and repeating the same offense with a minimizing finger wagging 'just stop complaining about what men wear to a conference' tripe against us.

The prospects of this platform had humble beginnings that I was told were for representing voices that should reflect a pro-LGB outlook with support-for and understanding-of the fact that women are being erased in language and law as well. It was supposed to go against the grain of heterosexual ignorance and the mainline oppression of the bubble of an all-too-often seen LGB hivemind that can often stifle us all.

The best intention of The Distance I thought was to break away from these tropes and challenge the chokehold that 'gender' ideology has gripped us all in.

All you have proven though is that one man with ambiguous sexual orientation and a bone to pick against opinionated women has way too much time on his hands so chooses to use it to degrade himself repeatedly as a reactive combatant towards all women who say "NO".

Like I stated earlier - you have your own platform, but that wasn't enough and you needed to hijack this one as well. The Distance has truly earned it's name now as 'distancing' became your real intention.

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I admit I had grave reservations about the language of the Cass review.

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