As a masculine gay man, I cannot comprehend the homosexual transsexual. I view a same-sex attracted man's decision suppress his secondary sexual characteristics and remove and/or mutilate his genitalia in order to live as a woman as a highly maladaptive response to adverse life experiences. There must be something terrible going on in the man's family of origin, his larger social world and/or his inner world to make such a drastic gesture seem not only reasonable but necessary.

If Dr. Bailey hasn't investigated the factors that produce homosexual transsexuals, he would do well to make that part of his research agenda. I can only speculate that they must come from marginal backgrounds that do not set young people up for success in education, interpersonal relationships or employment. The family of origin may be wedded to especially rigid sex roles and/or hold strict religious beliefs characterized by intolerance toward what they call "homosexuality" and I call being myself. Perhaps substance abuse is a factor. I have a hard time believing that the effeminate homosexual son of highly educated and successful parents who could afford a fine private education would run away from himself and his potential by entering the homosexual transsexual demimonde. This framing would enrage trans activists, but since they invest so much time and energy in gaslighting and lying to the rest of us, it is only fitting.

In a similar vein, there appears to a need for more research into the causes of effeminacy in very young male children. It is an innate quality attributable to a person's genes or conditions in utero? To what extent is effeminacy socially transmitted and acquired? There is no doubt in my mind that the various gay accents one hears and the nonverbal forms of communication that go with them are socially acquired. Together they're social markers that define an in-group and send signals to others to join or keep away. (Also, it drives me up the wall because it is so affected and transparently tribal.) Does extreme effeminacy work this way?

It is well understood that most gender dysphoric children and gender nonconforming ones get over it during adolescence and grow up to be gay men or lesbians. I was such a sissy little boy in the late 50s and early 60s that my school mates once sang me off the school bus with lyrics that included "baby" and "little lady." Now I'm a (mostly) straight looking and acting gay man in my late 60s. What is the incidence of highly effeminate boys in this population, and what percentage go on to be well adjusted gay men?

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Dec 4Edited

For an intensely social animal such as ourselves, of course our behaviours are socially transmitted. It is the most economical way to do it. How could you have a gene for every minutiae of our behaviour? It is like baby ducks, what is coded into their DNA (don't know how by the way) is to follow the moving animal they first lay eyes on when they hatch. Humans, they copy the behaviours of those around them. Somehow, boys sense they need to copy the men around them and girls the women. This is reinforced by their family and society. There is bound to be variation among individuals, some being exquisitely attuned to this and others completely oblivious. Society steps in (family, school, friends...) and corrects them and they respond and self-correct constantly and subconsciously. Some will say this is society oppressing the individual, but another way to look at it is that society provides the software the individual needs to run. We cannot exist outside of society, I don't mean materially, it's existential in the most basic of ways. Another way to look at it is that perhaps we are born with zero sense of what sex we are but only learn this through our interactions with others. By pure chance some will think they are men and some will think they are women, to begin with. A certain percentage will get it right. A certain percentage will get it wrong, by pure chance. Society steps in. A certain percentage will respond by course correcting. A certain percentage will not respond (autism, the not-severe-kind comes into play here). So you end up with what used to be called gender identity disorder which, to my mind, was a good term to describe what is going on.

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I learned a lot!

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As an alumnus of Northwestern University, I am delighted that my alma mater is the academic home of Dr. John Michael Bailey. I cannot have been easy for him to navigate the censorious atmosphere that exists on any campus with a high percentage of upper middle class students who have the luxury to persecute anyone who steps out of line with their orthodox beliefs. There are surely those among his colleagues who are itching to send him into Title IX complaint hell.

His research is vital because society needs to have a firm understanding of the causes and nature of male-to-female transsexualism. How confident can we be that most trans women are autogynephiles to a greater or lesser degree? Those good cishet trans allies out there deserve to know who and what exactly it is they are affirming.

Also, are many confused boys who are not AGP but who have been marinating in gender identity ideology at school, online and in real life are getting caught up in the transgender craze/fad? These are not necessarily gender nonconforming or gender dysphoric youth, but boys might who do it to show their opposition to toxic masculinity, etc. This might be akin to the how some teen girls and young women go through a vegetarian/vegan phase.

I look forward to listening to Dr. Bailey's thoughts about Phil Illy. Having listened to Illy being interviewed on the podcast Gender: A Wider Lens podcast, I am dumbfounded by his invention of the category "Auto Heterosexual." One constant in Illy's thinking is a professed avoidance of politics, but the formulation "Auto Heterosexual" is nothing but political.

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