Name A Human Right Dylan Mulvaney Lacks And I Will Give You A Million Dollars
One actual human right he does not already have
Name a human right that Dylan Mulvaney did not already have before his “transition,” or loses by transition, and I will award you a million dollar prize.
Note that “allowed to cheat at sports,” “sterilize the kids,” “all the hormones and surgeries I demand,” “the prison of my choice,” and “million dollar endorsement deals” are not actual human rights.
Freedom from ridicule is not a human right. Flattery and silencing of negative attention are not a human right.
Suppression of contrary voices is not a human right. A field of eggshells around you at all times is not a human right.
Privilege over others is not a human right.
Dylan Mulvaney went from obscurity to success, with a White House invitation, in 222 days. African Americans needed almost that many years to be seen in the White House.
A white male mediocrity has been elevated to “influencer” success, which the Joe Biden White House has confused with a human rights cause.
Dylan Mulvaney has all the human rights of any American. He can use Instagram to build a gigantic audience of idiots, just like Alex Jones used YouTube, and play for as much attention as he wants. It’s a free country.
Stop pretending that he is a marginalized person, though. A person in a marginalized community doesn’t get this much media attention, or have this much political valence with elite classes.
Membership in the elite is not a human right. Things the elites value, such as plastic surgery, are not human rights.
Dylan Mulvaney had “facial feminization” surgery. He went into the surgery male and came out of it still male. Only now he resembles a male who has been beaten to a pulp. Stop pretending this isn’t just validated self-harm.
Dylan Mulvaney can have plastic surgery. He can have all the plastic surgery he wants. It’s a free country.
But do stop pretending he is oppressed in his surgical transformations.
Dylan is choosing this pain. He has chased it down and calls it “success.”
This is a status chase.
At the moment, elites value the totalizing potential of “transgender” and all its new language rules as a form of ideological exclusion.
“Transgender” is an elite ingrouping heuristic: use the pronouns or lose membership in civil society. Only barbarians fail to recognize Dylan Mulvaney’s woman-ness. You know — Trump voters. Red staters. The people who want to “destroy democracy,” whatever that is.
Apparently, “saving democracy” requires the suppression of valid laptop-related news stories that, had they been subject to the usual process of democratic conversation, may in the end have been deemed “nothingburgers” after all, rather than becoming epic scandals that unfold in Twitter threads after the election is over.
Elites really, really distrust actual democracy right now. The Orange Man scared them to the core, so genuine democracy — defined as a free conversation with majority and minority respecting one another — has been deemed too dangerous for “democracy.”
It is dangerous to tweet that Dylan Mulvaney is male. It is dangerous to say so in public. No one on MSNBC or CNN would ever fail to use Dylan’s preferred pronouns, nor would they bring back a guest who refused to do so. Even Fox News remains a difficult sell for such a guest.
This is not about human rights, but the restriction of human rights on behalf of a special, protected class of person.
Dylan Mulvaney is special. He is elite.
Joe Biden demands that we see Dylan. Really see him. See him as a woman. We are to gaslight ourselves, otherwise we are actual terrorists doing harm to people.
Transgender people are “under attack,” you see. The special people are under attack by all the bad people who don’t “respect them” as “who they are.”
Dylan Mulvaney is under attack by bad people who don’t respect him as the woman he wishes to be.
Biden will stop all the “hateful” laws against sterilizing children and boys cheating at girls’ sports. He calls this “equality.”
During his remarks for the Transgender Day of Visibility in March, Biden evoked a state of emergency.
Citing a nonexistent “epidemic of violence against transgender girls of color” — meaning effeminate nonwhite men —Biden promised a global crusade (“around the world”) to give transgender people lives free of “discrimination and violence.”
We must make the world safe for Dylan Mulvaney, you see, otherwise black people will die, you racist.
If your child is one of too many now joining the self-harm cult of “gender identity,” then the president of the United States wants you to know that you must participate, otherwise bad things will happen.
Biden said that “affirming” imaginary, ineffable, invisible gendered essences that cannot be detected by modern science is “one of the most powerful things you can do to keep [your children] safe and healthy.”
Nice trans kid you got, would be a shame if something happened to them. Because then it would be your fault. (It’s a game. This will always be your fault, mom and dad.) Do you want Dylan Mulvaney to literally die?
Do you, mom and dad?
“You’re so brave,” Biden said to the Dylan Mulvaneys of the world. He wanted them to know that “you belong, we have your back.”
Dylan Mulvaney needed powerful people at his back. Making the world safe for Dylan Mulvaney is a global mission statement for peace on earth. Affirm the trans kids or Dylan will literally die. We will all literally die.
Democracy itself will die.
Signing a federal marriage equality law earlier this month, Biden argued that no one else can have human rights unless Dylan Mulvaney is special.
“Folks, racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, they are all connected,” Biden said. “But the antidote to hate is love. This law and the love it defends strike a blow against hate in all its forms.”
Love Dylan Mulvaney or you do actual harm to him. Sterilize the kids and cheer for Lia Thomas and look away from the rapists in women’s prisons. Ignore the harms, otherwise you harm him, and by extension, the whole world.
It may all seem a strange place for Puritan ethics to land, but not really. Alexis de Tocqueville observed that equality is eternally popular, whereas the relative popularity of freedom is fickle, fluctuating with the challenges and changes of the times.
It helps to understand that this is about status, not money. “Elite” is a status, not money.
Americans are under a presidential command to value Dylan Mulvaney’s gender identity and give it status.
Transgender “rights” organizing is focused on validation, on centering itself, on its own supposed status as the most marginalized community ever (read: “most…ever”).
Nothing about him is marginalized. Dylan Mulvaney is not marginalized. His status has increased.
This writer cannot recall a single transgender person visibly decreasing in status from transition. On the contrary, “gender transition” has been a spectacular means to get attention since at least Christine Jorgensen.
Gender transition has received universally positive press coverage all my life. I cannot remember an actual countervailing wave of “transphobia” across media, ever. Not even within a specific media space except perhaps the most reactionary televangelism.
(Stop making the televangelists right about things, Joe Biden.)
Critical views are not welcome. Middle ground solutions are not welcome. Either submit to the demands of the “gendered” or you will suffer the consequences.
This is the description of an elite class, one that hides its eliteness behind an obfuscating myth of its own fragility.
The only fragile thing about Dylan Mulvaney is his ego.
Dylan Mulvaney objects to women who dislike his opportunism. His intentions were pure, you see. He is the quintessential “nice guy.”
You can trust him, ladies. He says so. He’s just giving away tampons randomly, see? To women who need them. In their restrooms.
Not creepy at all. See? “No threat to you and your womanhood,” in his words. “How is someone doing something so nice so repulsive for you?”
In a recent video posted to his Instagram, nice guy Dylan denied being responsible for a tampon shortage.
“It’s not because I’m mysogynistic, it’s because you’re transphobic,” he explained. “You know, we gotta work through this.”
So reasonable. So nice. He just wants to be loved for endorsing tampons. He is actually jealous, he admits, that he isn’t a real woman. He wishes he had been born in a woman’s body.
Maleness was assigned to him, he says. Dylan is really really a woman inside, but being materially female is not what God had in mind, he says. Stupid God.
Dylan’s in your restroom for the most honorable and even godly of purposes. Godlier than God zerself. Suggestions otherwise are actual wounds to his soul.
“I’m not enjoying my womanhood as much as I used to,” he complains. “And my pain might be different from your pain, but it’s very real.” Can’t you feel his pain?
“Just please don’t call the police on me if we bump into one another in the bathroom,” he begs.
He is just looking for an ounce of happiness, he says. His happiness comes from violating boundaries. Your human right to boundaries is a violation of his right to have no boundaries.
“I am also very nervous for you, just because hopefully soon transphobia won’t be as tolerated online, but your tweets are forever, and I don’t want those to come back and haunt you. Okay? Bye.”
Ending on a threat, what a nice guy. You will be silenced, what a nice guy. You will suffer consequences, I am such a nice guy. Why won’t you reward my niceness?
Dylan Mulvaney is the nicest of nice guys. The nicest of all. He belongs among the elites of the nation. He deserves his status, the president says. So nice.
Otherwise democracy will die, and so will the children, and so will the world. Why do you hate the world so much? Be nice. Be kind.
"His happiness comes from violating boundaries. Your human right to boundaries is a violation of his right to have no boundaries." New and horrible, also very old and horrible. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Patriarchy with lipstick and liposuction, that's all it is. And they wonder why we are so angry.
How on earth does this person knows what it feels like to be a girl?