I may not agree with her on much outside of trans issues, but Nancy Mace is a hero, and her fuzzy jacket and swag in her 'fuck you, I'm not stopping' video was FIRE.

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In August 2024, the Biden/Harris reversed Title IX giving all male students female sex-based rights under threat of loss of academic funding. A reversal is my description; Dems call it a minor rule change. But conflating sex with gender is obviously a reversal of the intent and plain reading of Title IX. Red states that passed laws to prevent male students from participating in female sports and getting into female showers in high schools and colleges simply got federal court injunctions against the Democrats' reversal of Title IX.

If Trump swoops in to save the day with a presidential signing statement banning transgender-identified boys and men in all states from female sports and showers, 25 blue state attorneys general will get their own court injunctions to prevent Trump's “fix” from stopping them from affirming males onto female teams and into female showers in high schools and colleges. That means many more years of blue states screwing girls and women out of our rights. Without a groundswell of support, Dem-led states' injunctions against a simplistic Trump signing statement will stretch out this fight. The Dems will have dishonest gender ideology talking points to retake the House in two years and the presidency in 2028.

We have a better idea than a presidential signing statement. We're building a broad based coalition from the Left and Right for a permanent fix to the mess gender ideology has caused. I'm working with a group that has written a US federal bill to reestablish women's rights that is more comprehensive and definitely more sensible than what is proposed by Republicans. Their idea for fixing the damage caused by gender ideology is to revert to teaching our nation's children to abide by outdated stereotypes like making gender nonconforming girls wear dresses to school again. Both extremes apparently want to reinforce dysfunctional sex stereotypes. We want kids to be accepted for who they are without teachers, friends and idiots on TikTok telling them they are defective and need to destroy their health and sterilize themselves.

Let's fix this problem once and for all with a solid reassertion of sex-based rights (our sons need that too). Trump can still be The Man by signing this bill. He can claim it as his legacy, but he'll have a more permanent solution from Congress that is widely supported across our country.

Please contact me via substack if you want to help.

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Rosa Parks in a bus demanding the right to sit up front was a watershed moment for black rights.

Nancy Mace demanding the right to take a piss without men present is similar.

Neither demands the need for focus group studies or impact analyses.

Nancy is getting all the attention she needs to the subject, and it’s very hard to argue against, as Rosa Parks confirmed.

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How do we follow what you are doing. I believe you are correct in your assessment.

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If there were ever a political and cultural conflict on which more opinion research is needed, it is the dispute over "trans rights." Sex realists (I am one) want to curb the many harmful excesses of trans activism. For lawmakers to accomplish this through legislation, they need to believe they can introduce such measures without being voted out of office. Politicians need to know that there is public support for such laws. It is the job of gender critical activists and their allies to foster public acceptance of bills that, say, prohibit trans-identified men from competing against real women in women's only sports. This kind of work requires a nuanced understanding of the entire spectrum of people’s attitudes and beliefs regarding trans people and trans rights. For example, what drives public sympathy for individuals who identify as the opposite sex or gender? Where is the trans agenda most vulnerable? Among Democrats in particular, what percentage of voters are diehard trans allies and what percentage are open to restrictions such as bans on the social and medical transition of minors? Gender critical activists who act blindly may discover that instead of taking a step toward their goal of promoting sex realism, they have inadvertently solidified public support for the trans cause.

This bring us to Nancy Mace and the Congressional Republicans’ position on trans women’s access to women’s bathrooms. Does barring a duly elected member of Congress from using the ladies’ rooms because the individual is a biological male who identifies as a women advance or undermine the cause of doing away with gender ideology the U.S.? Wouldn’t it have been nice if Mace had had a reliable reading on American public opinion on the subject before she acted?

As it happens, Tim Miller’s November 21, 2024 conversation with Sam Harris on Miller’s Bulwark podcast [1] generated some 800 opinions about gender ideology and trans people. That is because Sam identified the Democratic Party’s position on trans as one of the principal reasons for Kamala Harris’s defeat. Furthermore, Sam Harris gave as well informed and thorough a description of the sex realist position on what’s wrong with applied gender identity ideology, the trans movement and Democrats’ position on both subjects as I have ever heard. Tim Miller, a trans ally who has made light of the problem of men in women's sports, maintained a strategic silence except when he tried to make Sam Harris seem ridiculous by putting him on the spot about Nancy Mace and trans bathroom access.

Mr. Miller’s audience of liberals and progressives, on the other hand, let it be known that they did not like what Sam Harris had to say and that they liked Sam Harris even less. For many it was their first exposure to that formidable intellectual. To give them the benefit of the doubt, they probably hear speakers of Harris’s exceptional caliber so seldom that his formal and elegant delivery alone caused them to jump to the conclusion that he was a reactionary of the William F. Buckley, Jr. variety. For the purpose of this piece, though, it’s the listeners’ views about trans people that matter more than their churlish opinions about Sam Harris. Now, there were some who concurred with Harris’s analysis of the trans problem in whole or in part. Most, however, believed that trans people are victims of “trans hatred.” They were all-in on affirming “trans kids.” As for men crashing women’s sports, well, there are so very few, no? So what’s all the fuss about? It is an understatement to say that the Republican leadership’s decision ban the trans woman legislator from the ladies’ room found no support among the liberal and trans allies in that audience.

Nancy Mace has made blue-state sex realist activists’ already challenging jobs that much more difficult by making martyrs not just of the trans woman legislator but all trans people everywhere. Trans activists and their aggressive progressive allies will not let anyone forget it. It is the sort of move that might win skirmishes in a culture war but if repeated often enough will end up losing the war. Even a liberal woman who believes that it is unfair for men who identify as women to compete against real women in women-only athletic events might recoil at the sheer meanness of turning the spotlight on a human being’s need to take care of natural bodily functions in a dignified and private fashion. Would it have killed Mace and the other House Republicans to order the construction of unisex (not “all gender”!) stalls of the kind that are common in Europe? Had they waited until the legislator had a place to pee where his presence would not cause a controversy to ban him and other trans women from women's restrooms, the Republicans would have been fully justified in barring him from the women’s toilet. More importantly, they would have claimed the moral high ground. Instead Mace gave sex realists a resounding own-goal.

[1] "Sam Harris: Our Democracy Is Already Unraveling." https://www.thebulwark.com/p/sam-harris-our-democracy-is-already

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“Nancy Mace has made blue-state sex realist activists’ already challenging jobs that much more difficult by making martyrs not just of the trans woman legislator but all trans people everywhere.”

We're in this situation today because too many of us sat back and did nothing as transgender ideology took over our gay rights groups, our schools and our Democratic Party. We spent decades fighting the good fight for same sex marriage and now the powerful groups we built are working against the rights of lesbians and gay men, prioritizing male rights above female in sports, showers, prisons and everywhere else we need to protect ourselves from that percentage of men who hate women, even as they try to mimic us.

I'm not worried about a martyr who has been kicked out of the women's bathroom. I intend to take this fight to every female space. We need to reinstate sex-based rights, including those that men need. Gay men shouldn't be called bigots and kicked off dating apps for not wanting to have sex with hairy women trying to mimic men. Let's make thousands of martyrs by banning men from female bathrooms on all federal property. My state just spent millions remodeling male and female showers in our parks so that now we have a small room with a locking door for one person at a time. You go in there and it reeks of sperm. Of course it does. The single stall multi-sex bathrooms stink of male urine. When you come out of the brand new individual shower or toilet, there's some guy sitting outside rubbing his you-know-what, listening to you shower behind your very safe locked door, imagining you naked, alone and vulnerable in there. You're safe until you come out and the creep smirks at you having enjoyed jerking off at your expense.

No thanks, I prefer open female showers with rules that allow police to arrest men who enter that space. That percentage of men who sexually harass women, who rape and who are pedophiles have always existed and always will. It's time for women and men to stand up for our rights.

Nancy Mace and the female bathroom in Congress is just the beginning. You either believe that trans women are women, or you don't. If they are actually women, they have a right to use our female spaces. If they're not, they need to be kicked out. All of them. Now. Compromise just drags this fight out for another decade or two. You can't just remove the male rapists from female prisons, you have to draw a line in the sand and announce: I Do Not Consent.

Don't worry about martyrs. There will be even more over the next few years. The violence from this group will get worse, and I hope some men jump into the fray as most of the hostility is directed at older women. But to be clear, if Democrats continue to push this anti-women, anti-child ideology, Democrats like me will work to fire a bunch more of them in two years at the midterm elections.

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