I certainly hope the end of the gender madness is on its way. And as the gender hippies (great metaphor, btw!) get louder, prouder, and as the veil of the pedo part of the movement thins, I will be taking photos as Pride and the gender hippies make wilder grasps at children. We'll keep kicking at the precarious legs supporting this uncivil rights movement's push to subvert childhood innocence and colonize womanhood.
Bear in mind that there's a large reservoir of goodwill and sympathy out there in cishet trans-ally land for "trans kids," unfortunately. They're to the trans movement what unborn "babies" were to the anti-abortion forces.
Tim Miller, the former Republican campaign operative turned never-Trumper and recently out gay man who hosts the Bulwark podcast, has exposed his listeners to two sides of fight over gender identity ideology since the election.
On November 19, 2024, Miller interviewed former Obama White House press secretary Jen Psaki. As progressives are now wont to do, Psaki feigned ignorance of the meaning of woke "woke":
"But there are a range of issues that I think there's a risk here of like people losing some humanity in order to feel like they're speaking out against woke, whatever the heck that means."
When Miller steered the discussion towards the cultural issues that some say cost Kamala Harris the election, Psaki pretended not to understand what all the fuss was about when it came to males who identify as females playing with and competing against real women:
"I've also seen and because I went after him the other bit, I can just say this. Seth Moulton, who I know, and he is a good member in many ways, but he has been pulled into the right-wingosphere theory that every community across the country has trans girls who are beating up girls who were born girls and, like... All of these things."
"This is not an issue across the country of all of these states. So many states have passed these laws that like ban trans youth and sports."
"You know what? And a lot of these states, they don't have a single example. They have zero. They have one. They have two."
In other words, don't people have better things to worry about?
Psaki then took another shot at Democratic congressman Seth Moulton by discrediting his objections to boys in girls'-only sports. She was having none of Moulton's stated concern for his very own daughter's prospects on the playing field:
"But I also think people who get they get pulled into it like I'm going to real talk you. This is something we should say that, like, we are just all because I am a father of girls and like I have a daughter, too. This is not a universal issue. So, like, let's call out their bullshit. That's what I'm saying."
So much for respecting people's lived experience.
Then Psaki says what she really thinks about gender-critical Dems:
"There's a little bit of falling prey to what some of the right-wing sphere is saying. Check the facts. Read the fine print."
In other words, any Democrat who expresses reservations about any aspect of the trans activist agenda must have come under the malign influence of the political and cultural right. That can be the only explanation.
While it is tempting to think that Psaki is being as disingenuous about this as when she was baffled by woke ("whatever the heck that means"), there's another even more depressing explanation. It is that Democrats' de-facto policy of ruthlessly censoring and demeaning gender critical voices has been so effective that Psaki herself is ignorant about the existence of a centrist/left-of-center sex realist movement that does not view James Lindsay and Christopher Rufo as its intellectual heroes and is not in cahoots with the Family Research Council. Whatever the reason, calling sex-realists within the Democratic Party right-wing stooges is as mistaken and unbecoming as MAGA's penchant for calling progressives socialists, communists and, for good measure, fascists.
Since Tim Miller did not take Psaki to task on the trans issue anywhere near as forcefully as he could have, there wasn't much in what either party said that would have riled the Bullwark's cishet trans allies. The same cannot be said about Miller's November 21, 2024, interview with Sam Harris.
I hold Sam Harris in high esteem for his nuanced and perceptive views on American politics and his superb delivery. Those assets were on full display when Harris explained why and how Kamala Harris's failure to properly distance herself from a trans agenda that is highly unpopular among regular Americans cost her the election. While reasonable people can differ about the centrality of Kamala Harris's position on gender ideology among the factors that caused her loss, Sam Harris was spot-on in his understanding of the problems with gender ideology. He laid it all out for Tim Miller and the audience. Tim Miller, who I once heard belittle the cause of defending female sports from male intruder, maintained a strategic silence.
Sam Harris (and perhaps, to a lesser extent, Miller) elicited over 800 comments from that day's Bulwark listeners. Suffice it to say Sam's views were controversial. It was encouraging that some commenters supported Sam Harris's gender critical opinons. His numerous critics demonstrated just how captured most on the left are by gender identity ideology. On the subject of men in women's-only sports, most trans allies echoed Psaki's denialism. Why, it is a non-issue! So much aggro over so few trans girls who just want to be able to compete.
The other frequent response to Sam Harris's critique of gender ideology stridently presented trans people as victims of hatred who just want to be able to live their lives as they see fit. In other words, if they heard Sam, they did not listen to what he said. If they heard what he said, they were so put off by it and by Sam's formidable persona that they rejected both.
And so, in closing, it is clear the sex-realist/gender-critical movement has a long way to go when it comes to changing the hearts and minds of progressives and most liberals.
Please edit--Brooke Slusser is the female on SJSU volleyball who blew the whistle on trans identified male "Blaire Fleming".
Sigh. You re-write a sentence ten times and still can't get it out straight...
History is not going to be kind to the last decade.
I certainly hope the end of the gender madness is on its way. And as the gender hippies (great metaphor, btw!) get louder, prouder, and as the veil of the pedo part of the movement thins, I will be taking photos as Pride and the gender hippies make wilder grasps at children. We'll keep kicking at the precarious legs supporting this uncivil rights movement's push to subvert childhood innocence and colonize womanhood.
Bear in mind that there's a large reservoir of goodwill and sympathy out there in cishet trans-ally land for "trans kids," unfortunately. They're to the trans movement what unborn "babies" were to the anti-abortion forces.
Tim Miller, the former Republican campaign operative turned never-Trumper and recently out gay man who hosts the Bulwark podcast, has exposed his listeners to two sides of fight over gender identity ideology since the election.
On November 19, 2024, Miller interviewed former Obama White House press secretary Jen Psaki. As progressives are now wont to do, Psaki feigned ignorance of the meaning of woke "woke":
"But there are a range of issues that I think there's a risk here of like people losing some humanity in order to feel like they're speaking out against woke, whatever the heck that means."
When Miller steered the discussion towards the cultural issues that some say cost Kamala Harris the election, Psaki pretended not to understand what all the fuss was about when it came to males who identify as females playing with and competing against real women:
"I've also seen and because I went after him the other bit, I can just say this. Seth Moulton, who I know, and he is a good member in many ways, but he has been pulled into the right-wingosphere theory that every community across the country has trans girls who are beating up girls who were born girls and, like... All of these things."
"This is not an issue across the country of all of these states. So many states have passed these laws that like ban trans youth and sports."
"You know what? And a lot of these states, they don't have a single example. They have zero. They have one. They have two."
In other words, don't people have better things to worry about?
Psaki then took another shot at Democratic congressman Seth Moulton by discrediting his objections to boys in girls'-only sports. She was having none of Moulton's stated concern for his very own daughter's prospects on the playing field:
"But I also think people who get they get pulled into it like I'm going to real talk you. This is something we should say that, like, we are just all because I am a father of girls and like I have a daughter, too. This is not a universal issue. So, like, let's call out their bullshit. That's what I'm saying."
So much for respecting people's lived experience.
Then Psaki says what she really thinks about gender-critical Dems:
"There's a little bit of falling prey to what some of the right-wing sphere is saying. Check the facts. Read the fine print."
In other words, any Democrat who expresses reservations about any aspect of the trans activist agenda must have come under the malign influence of the political and cultural right. That can be the only explanation.
While it is tempting to think that Psaki is being as disingenuous about this as when she was baffled by woke ("whatever the heck that means"), there's another even more depressing explanation. It is that Democrats' de-facto policy of ruthlessly censoring and demeaning gender critical voices has been so effective that Psaki herself is ignorant about the existence of a centrist/left-of-center sex realist movement that does not view James Lindsay and Christopher Rufo as its intellectual heroes and is not in cahoots with the Family Research Council. Whatever the reason, calling sex-realists within the Democratic Party right-wing stooges is as mistaken and unbecoming as MAGA's penchant for calling progressives socialists, communists and, for good measure, fascists.
Since Tim Miller did not take Psaki to task on the trans issue anywhere near as forcefully as he could have, there wasn't much in what either party said that would have riled the Bullwark's cishet trans allies. The same cannot be said about Miller's November 21, 2024, interview with Sam Harris.
I hold Sam Harris in high esteem for his nuanced and perceptive views on American politics and his superb delivery. Those assets were on full display when Harris explained why and how Kamala Harris's failure to properly distance herself from a trans agenda that is highly unpopular among regular Americans cost her the election. While reasonable people can differ about the centrality of Kamala Harris's position on gender ideology among the factors that caused her loss, Sam Harris was spot-on in his understanding of the problems with gender ideology. He laid it all out for Tim Miller and the audience. Tim Miller, who I once heard belittle the cause of defending female sports from male intruder, maintained a strategic silence.
Sam Harris (and perhaps, to a lesser extent, Miller) elicited over 800 comments from that day's Bulwark listeners. Suffice it to say Sam's views were controversial. It was encouraging that some commenters supported Sam Harris's gender critical opinons. His numerous critics demonstrated just how captured most on the left are by gender identity ideology. On the subject of men in women's-only sports, most trans allies echoed Psaki's denialism. Why, it is a non-issue! So much aggro over so few trans girls who just want to be able to compete.
The other frequent response to Sam Harris's critique of gender ideology stridently presented trans people as victims of hatred who just want to be able to live their lives as they see fit. In other words, if they heard Sam, they did not listen to what he said. If they heard what he said, they were so put off by it and by Sam's formidable persona that they rejected both.
And so, in closing, it is clear the sex-realist/gender-critical movement has a long way to go when it comes to changing the hearts and minds of progressives and most liberals.
Jen Psaki: Don't Speak to Me
Tim Miller
Nov 19, 2024
Sam Harris: Our Democracy Is Already Unraveling
Tim Miller
Nov 21, 2024