Many liberal Dems and almost all progressive Dems refuse to engage with sex realists and their viewpoints. Their critical faculties have been overwhelmed by their black-and-white thinking and self-righteous support for oppressed and marginalized minorities. Just look at the censorious savaging that Jesse Singal received at the hands of rabid trans allies starting practically at the moment he created a Bluesky account:


Did I Publish The Private Medical Records Of Transgender Children?

Responding to a(nother) viral rumor

Jesse Singal

Dec 12

People often get mad at me online over the things I write, and as a result, they sometimes attempt to spread professionally damaging rumors about me. I try to use this space only sparingly to respond to those rumors, because in most cases it doesn’t make for particularly compelling content, and I think it can come across as defensive and whiny. I’m lucky to have a platform and to make a living writing and talking, and one of the costs of that, if you choose to cover controversial subjects, is that some people will attack your reputation. Overall, I’m okay with the trade-off.

Every so often, though, there’s a rumor people spread about me that is serious enough, or has gotten enough pickup, or has simply generated a particularly memorable online firestorm, that I decide to respond. If you’re a real sicko, see here, here, and here (this one’s more funny than frustrating) for a few examples of me rising to the bait.

This, alas, will also be one of those posts. If you close this tab in favor of something more exciting, like the current state of the NBA In-Season Tournament, I will not blame you one bit. But a huge number of people have accused me of publicly posting the medical records of trans minors since last year, and now that the rumor has attained a second life, I feel like my best route is to respond in writing.

This second round was prompted by the fact that I joined Bluesky, a Twitter alternative that has a base of hardened far-left power users who get really mad when folks they dislike show up. I quickly became the single most blocked account on the site and, fearful of second-order contamination, these users also developed tools to allow for the mass-blocking of anyone who follows me. That way they won’t have to face the threat of seeing any content from me or from anyone who follows me. A truly safe space, at last.

But that hasn’t been enough: They’ve also been aggressively lobbying the site’s head of trust and safety, Aaron Rodericks, to boot me off (here’s one example: “you asshole. you asshole. you asshole. you asshole. you want me dead. you want me fucking dead. i bet you’ll block me and I’ll pass right out of existence for you as fast as i entered it with this post. I’ll be buried and you won’t care. you love your buddy singal so much it’s sick.”). Many of these complaints come from people who seem so highly dysregulated they would have trouble successfully patronizing a Waffle House, but because they’re so active online, they can have a real-world impact.

So, not content with merely blocking me and blocking anyone who follows me, and screaming at people who refuse to block me, they’ve also begun recirculating every negative rumor about me that’s been posted online since 2017 or so — and there’s a rich back catalogue, to be sure. They’ve even launched a new one: I’m a pedophile. (Yes, they’re really saying that!)



Jesse's sin? He is a journalist who was one of the pioneers on the youth trans beat with his 2018 Atlantic article "When Children Say They’re Trans." The lede was: "Hormones? Surgery? The choices are fraught—and there are no easy answers." https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/07/when-a-child-says-shes-trans/561749/ Since then Singal has refused to be canceled by his critics.

If there is anything that trans allies believe in more fervently than trans hate, it is "trans kids." When they lash out at sex realists it is almost always in defense of trans kids. If advocates for trans kids ever wrestle with the moral dilemma that most children who say they are gender dysphoric or gender nonconforming will get over it during adolescence and emerge as gay or lesbian, I have never encountered it. I suspect that they've not heard that or if they have they do not believe it.

Those trans allies also generally refuse to engage with the sex realist arguments against permitting men who identify as females to participate in women-only athletic competitions. That men tend to have physiological advantages over women does not seem to register with them unless it is to contest the premise with bad science. For reasons they never explain, trans allies are also unmoved that many real women do not want biological men in their single-sex spaces.

It is as if, having come to believe the lies that trans women are women and trans men are men, trans allies decided no further thought was necessary on the subject.


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Aaaaand cross-posted!

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